Thursday, September 13, 2012

Moby Dick

To be completely honest, I'm having a little bit of trouble getting through the novel so far.  In the parts where there's actually a plot or character development it's really interesting, but all of the background information is putting me to sleep.  I'm trying to get into the story, but the novel is really making me work for it.  I'm not quite caught up on the reading so far, but here are some things that have stuck out to me:
-The relationship between Ishmael and Queequeg.  We've touched on this in class, but I've really enjoyed the companionship that these two have developed.  There is the question of how intimate of a relationship it really is, but my first thought is just that it's good for Queequeg to have a companion in a situation where he might otherwise remain very solitary, and I think that Ishmael can also learn from Queequeg.
-The narrative.  In the plot-focused parts of the novel, I've been drawn in and feel invested.  I have a picture in my head of what the town and the inn look like, what it's like to be out on the water on the ship, and the overall grimy yet adventure-fueled mood of the voyage.  The characters we've been introduced to so far are interesting, and I'm eager to learn more about Ahab and see more of the dynamic between him and Starbuck.
-The Legend.  One of the things that I find really exciting and I think drives the action is the legend of Moby Dick.  I like getting the snippets of history about run-ins with this mythical, monstrous whale that has so far eluded capture.  It really does have the sense of an epic seafaring journey, and I think that part of it remains relevant today with movies like Pirates of the Caribbean.  Having the whale constantly in the back of you mind and wondering when it's going to turn up definitely keeps me turning pages (when we're actually reading about the action on the ship).

1 comment:

  1. It's all right to focus more on some chapters than others, Talon. We should be getting to more action chapters soon.
